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Our Services

"We're taking a back-to-the-basics approach to economic development, focusing on infrastructure, public safety, and government services to help create the best possible environment for business to thrive. We believe every job and business is important and offer the resources to help business launch, expand, and relocate."
Workforce Development

Talent Recruitment Assistance
Candidate pre-screening
Incentives for hiring, training, & skills upgrading
Health Insurance for small businesses
Incentive Coordination

Local tax abatements
State and Federal incentives
Brownfield redevelopment support
Site Location Assistance

Site searches
Confidential site tours
Expedited permitting
Business Connections

Pure Michigan Business Connect is your B2B connection
Federal & County procurement assistance
Access to Capital

Energy efficiency upgrade loans
SBA fixed asset loans
Industrial Revenue Bond financing
Funding preparation
Loan review & packaging
Entrepreneurial Support

Business plan review
Co-working & incubator space
Confidential consulting, training, & workshops including financial management & analysis
Marketing & advertising
Market research & industry trends
Demographic trends
Location analysis
Strategic planning & business expansion