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About Us

A major activity of the Water Quality Management Division is leadership and oversight of the Rouge River National Wet Weather Demonstration Project (Rouge Project), an EPA-sponsored demonstration of a watershed approach to pollution management. The Rouge Project is designed to identify the most efficient and cost effective controls of wet weather pollution, while assuring maximum use of the resource.
Another major focus of the Water Quality Management Division is the elimination of illegal discharges to Wayne County surface waters from illicit connections, illegal dumping, and lack of awareness. This program directly results in the annual removal of significant quantities of raw sewage and other pollution that poses a threat to both human and aquatic life. An overview of the mission, vision, organization, staffing and locations of the Water Quality Management Division is provided below.
The Division is organized into four operational units: Administration, Engineering Services, GIS and Data Management, and Watershed Management Unit including the Illicit Discharge Elimination Program (IDEP) and Pollution Prevention (P2) Services.
The Administration and Engineering Services Units are located in Downtown Detroit at 400 Monroe, Suite 400 in the International Center Building.
The Administration Unit is responsible for the financial management and oversight of the Division and the Rouge River National Wet Weather Demonstration Project.
Rouge Project PDF
The Engineering Services Unit provides comprehensive engineering and technical support to the Department of Public Services, Environmental Services Group. Services are primarily related to capital improvements and other requirements of the County’s wastewater and storm water systems operated by the Facilities Management Division.
The GIS and Data Management Unit and the Water Management Unit are located at 3600 Commerce Court, Wayne, Michigan.
The GIS and Data Management unit is responsible for providing GIS and computer services to the Environmentmental Services Group (ESG) and the Water Quality Management Division, particularly relating to work under the Rouge Project and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Storm Water General Permit.
The Watershed Management Unit is responsible for conducting the illicit discharge elimination activities and pollution prevention activities mandated by the MDEQ Storm Water Permit. This Unit is also responsible for water quality-related complaint investigation and public outreach, education, and training.
All environmental complaints should be reported by calling the DOE 24-Hour Environmental Hotline (1-888-223-2363).