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Septic/Onsite Sewage
Welcome to the Office of Onsite Septic Systems
Onsite sewage disposal is a broad term used to describe a system that treats biological or chemical effluent in the place where it originated. In other words, it's your septic system, complete with a tank that sorts, stores and treats solids as well as a leach field that distributes the fluids over a sand and gravel bed. Your septic system is a critical part of your home. It should be treated with care to ensure its effectiveness in treating the effluent we produce in our homes. For new construction of a home, business, or other building from which sewage emanates, with sanitary sewer not available, an onsite sewage disposal system is required. Wayne County evaluates conditions for suitability of onsite sewage disposal, Fee system construction, and complaints of improper operation and maintenance of onsite sewage disposal facilities. Wayne County acts as the local permitting agency for all residential and small commercial onsite sewage treatment systems. All completed sewage systems must be inspected and approved by the Wayne County Department of Health, Human and Veterans Services.Wayne County Onsite Sewage System Program Process (single/duplex site)
- Site/soil evaluations for new home sites.
- Site/soil evaluations for the repair/replacement for existing septic systems.
- Issues new or repair permits for installation of septic systems.
- Performs inspections of onsite sewage system installations for both new and repaired systems.
Repair/Replace Application
2024 EH Fee Schedule
What is an Onsite Septic System?
What are typical sewage system components?

- Toilets back up; drains won't drain.
- Excessive moisture or waste water surfaces over the drainfield.
- Foul odors come from the drainfield or septic tank
- Name, address and contact information for the owner of the property
- 10-digit parcel identification number (tax i.d.).
- Property drawing showing the proposed location of the home and septic system (active and reserve).
- Legal description or survey.
- Any proposed changes in the property such as a planned land split. Have proposed map of the proposed land split.
- Evidence of a seasonal high water table.
- Isolation distances to area wells, surface water, structures, easements, and property lines.
- Topography, vegetation and drainage patterns.
- Other site characteristics may be considered at the Sanitarian's discretion.
- Completed application form
- Documentation of permanent street address if new construction (tax bill, township address form, etc.)
- 10-digit parcel identification number (tax I.D.)
- Copy of a certified survey and legal description (for new construction only)
- Copy of an accurate plot plan
- Appropriate fees
Registered On-Site Waste Water Disposal System Evaluators
TOS Ordinance Brochure
SepticSmart Week
Each yea, EPA holds SepticSmart Week with outreach actvities to encourage homeowners and communitires to care for and maintain their septic systems. SepticSmart week is the third week of each September.
During SepticSmart Week, EPA seeks to inform homeowners on proper septic system care and maintenance, assist local agencies in prompting homeowner education and awareness, and educate local decision makers about infrastructure options to improve and sustain their communities.
For more information on SepticSmart Week see below:
Wayne County On-Site Sewage Disposal System Evaluation & Maintenance Ordinance (No. 99-527)
Top 10 Ways to be a Good Septic Owner
Do's and Don'ts of Your Septic System
New Homebuyer Guide to Septic Systems
Name Geographic Area | Phone Number |
Dave Wilson, Environmentalist Wayne County South and Southwest | (734) 727-7417 |
Andrzej Borek, Environmentalist Wayne County North and Northwest | (734) 727-7465 |
Michelle Lenhart Varran, R.S., Department Manager | (734) 727-7448 |