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Food Service Licensing

The State of Michigan requires that Food Service establishments be licensed by the Local Health Departments. The Wayne County Environmental Health Section regulates and issues licenses to Food Service facilities located within Wayne County, outside of the City of Detroit.

Food Service Fees and Application

Food Service License Renewal payment due on or before April 30th annually.
* Postmark or Banking transaction date/times are verified.

For renewals, a preprinted application will be sent to the facility mailing address in late March. You will not be contacted by phone to request funds and if you do not receive the preprinted application this does not excuse you from renewing on time. Please be advised that we accept online payments only for license renewals; the Department does not accept payments over the phone. Online payments cannot be accepted for New Establishments or Change of Ownership.

Online Renewals: Convenient, secure, paperless & avoid late fees.

Select the Online Renewal Application/Payment link below and complete the following steps:

  • Sign-In to CUSTOMER LOGIN.
    • Returning Customers - Choose "Wayne" in County drop down and proceed to login using email and password and select Submit
    • New Users - Create account by selecting Sign Up! Complete Information on the Customer Registration page, choose "Wayne" in County drop down and select Submit.
  • Select fees (multiple facilities in your account can be submitted in one transaction) for payment. Please note - Bank service fees apply: eCheck $1.00 each transaction or Credit/Debit Cards 2.49% against the total transaction amount.
  • Complete Payment - Receive confirmation of payment and print receipt for your records.
Online Renewal Application / Payment

Renewals can also be submitted by Mail or In-Person

  • Obtain the preprinted application that is sent to the facility mailing address in late March.
  • Review application to verify accuracy of information, pay special attention to the facility name and mailing address and make any necessary corrections. DO NOT USE THE RENEWAL FORM if there has been a Change of Ownership since the last license was issued. See "Change of Ownership" instructions below.
  • Complete AUTHORIZED AGENT CONTACT SECTION and be sure to sign and date the application.
  • Prepare payment that is shown on the application in Section 6. Submit renewal before the April 30th deadline to avoid a late fee.
    • In-Person: Cash, Check, Debit Card or Credit Card (except American Express) are accepted at the Environmental Health office located in the East Wing (off of the Venoy Road driveway) during office hours of Monday through Friday 8am to 4pm, closed daily for lunch from 11:30am to 12:30pm.
    • By Mail: Mail preprinted renewal application with payment to the address on the application. Submittals must be postmarked by April 30th to avoid a late fee. Make checks payable to Wayne County Health Department. (Submittals mailed without payment or application will be returned).

Change of Ownership

  • A preprinted application cannot be used and online payment cannot be accepted.
  • New owner must submit a new application with payment to Wayne County.
  • It is strongly recommended that the New owner visit the Environmental Health office to discuss any changes to the facility. They must bring a copy of the new menu and Certified Food Manager certificate.
  • An employee will complete the Change of Ownership Checklist and determine eligibility for licensing.
  • If a change of ownership can proceed the new owner will fill out a new food license application and submit applicable fees (see fee schedule posted above).
  • If it is determined that plan review is required, information will be given to the new owner on how to proceed. Facility will not be able to open and operate until written approval has been given by the Health Department.

Temporary Food Establishment (TFE) License

A temporary food license is required to serve food to the public from the same location for 14 consecutive days, or less. This includes assembling, preparing or serving food outside of a licensed facility. Bake Sales and Prepackaged Foods are Exempt from licensing. A temporary food license is an agreement to operate in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws. A temporary food license application must be submitted ten (10) days prior to the event start date to avoid a late fee. See the Fee Schedule above for prices.

Contact Us

Wayne County Health, Human and Veterans Services
Public Health Division
Health Administration Building
Environmental Health Section - EAST WING (Parking at Venoy Road Entrance)

33030 Van Born Road
Wayne, MI 48184
Phone: 734-727-7400
Fax: 734-727-7165

Hours of Operation - Counter Service
Mon-Fri: 8:30AM - 4:00PM Closed For Lunch: 11:30AM - 12:30 PM