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Juvenile & Youth Services
The Juvenile Institutional Care Services Division

Through this Division, the County contracts with third-party providers licensed by the State of Michigan to provide juvenile detention services for delinquent juveniles and other youths who are assigned to detention by the Third Circuit Court's Family Division. The Division also contracts with licensed third-party providers to provide long-term residential treatment services that comply with State of Michigan Child Welfare License rules and standards.
This Division also oversees and manages the Warrant Enforcement Bureau (WEB), which is an InHome Detention program (supported by electronic monitoring) that is used by the Third Circuit Court's Family Division as an alternative to secure out-of-home detention for pre-adjudicated and adjudicated juveniles. The WEB is supported by the Wayne County Sheriff's Office and operates in close coordination with Third Circuit Court's Family Division jurists, the County's Care Management Organizations (CMO), and other community partners.
The Juvenile Community-Based Services Division

The single point of entry for access to appropriate services for all juveniles in the County's juvenile justice system of care is the Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC). Through the Juvenile CommunityBased Services Division, the County contracts for administration and management of the JAC, which follows an assessment process that ensures uniform and comprehensive screening of juveniles and their families. The JAC monitors each juvenile's level of care (home-based or residential) selected by the CMO and reviews each youth's progress at specified intervals. The JAC also monitors courts orders to insure the CMO's adherence to specific conditions.
Through this Division, the County also contracts with Care Management Organizations (CMOs) to provide and manage court-mandated juvenile justice services for Wayne County juveniles and their families. A CMO serves as the lead agency for a defined service delivery area (aligned by zip codes) and is responsible for developing a locally organized network of services and resources for adjudicated juveniles and their families, including community-based and residential placement options for juveniles.
Through this Division, the County also contracts with community-based agencies located throughout Wayne County to provide Youth Assistance Programs (YAP). YAPs provide a range of services designed to prevent and deter at-risk youth from entering the juvenile justice system. YAP services include but are not limited to peer-to-peer counseling; tutoring; substance abuse education; domestic violence and intervention education; as well as training for conflict and anger management, employability, and leadership skills.
Prevention and Diversion Services Division

This Division also administers the "Right Trac" diversion program for at-risk youth who encounter the juvenile court system. Under the Right Trac program, youth are screened redirected from the justice system to appropriate services that promote the goals of accountability and personal responsibility. Youth in this diversion program may avert formal charges by successfully completing a YAP. Eligibility for participation in the Right Trac diversion program is determined by the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office.