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Veteran Eligibility
Relief Eligibility

War-time veterans must have served in the Armed Forces during one of the periods listed below, or have been awarded an expeditionary medal, which should be indicated on the DD-214 [Military Discharge].
Persian Gulf - 8/2/1990 to present
Vietnam - 2/28/1961 to 5/7/1975
Korea - 6/27/1950 to 1/31/1955
World War II - 12/7/1941 to 12/31/1946
WWI & Russian Service are also recognized
All Applications
- Military Discharge [DD-214]
- Valid Michigan ID w/ Picture
- Verification of Income and Expenses for the past 30 days
Hardship Applications
- Utility Shut-Off Notice
- Eviction Notice (Need Court-Ordered Judgement)
- Tax Notice of Property being taken for Delinquent Tax
Funeral Expense Assistance
Applications must be completed by claimant within two (2) years from the date of death.
- Itemized Funeral Bill
- Certified Death Certificate
- Marriage License
- Birth Certificate or Proof of Legal Guardianship for Minors