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Live, Learn, Play

To qualify for the Wayne Babies...Live, Learn & Play! Program, you must:
- Live in Wayne County
- Be pregnant, or have at least 1 child under the age of 5
- Once enrolled, keep your address and phone number up to date. If you move, or change phone numbers, please contact us as soon as possible so we can update our records
When you register your child for the Wayne Babies...Live, Learn & Play! program, you will receive a small pocket-sized Record book. The beginning of your child’s first years of life are key times to keep track of many important events. Carry the Pocket Record book with you, especially to your child’s healthcare appointments or if you go out of town. That way you will have the information needed should an emergency occur.
You will also receive a large Guidebook. In it you will find many helpful resources. They will be of great value when you need certain information and may not know where to go. We encourage you to put your larger Guidebook in a safe and easily reached location, where you can use it on a regular basis. The Guidebook is designed to help assist you with many of the questions that you may have. We hope it will provide answers to most of your concerns. The goal is for your child to have a healthy start in life, and together we can provide that.
To encourage you, we have designed a program to reward you for following certain parenting recommendations. When you follow a recommendation, you may check off that recommendation on the record sheets you will be provided in the Guidebook. The record sheet indicates how many voucher points you have earned by following that particular recommendation. At the end of the recording period, send in your point total on the postage-free postcards we will provide, and you will receive your reward Point Vouchers. The Point Vouchers run in 10, 20 and 30-point amounts.
These incentive Point Vouchers can be used at participating locations. The incentives catalog you will also receive when you register lists what services and items are available in the program, and the points needed to obtain them. All the selections offered have values in units of 10. The Point Vouchers you receive will be sent in an assorted point amount so that you can mix and match them. The vouchers themselves cannot be broken, and no actual money will be involved. If a voucher offered to a participating vendor is larger than the points needed for an item or service, the difference will not be refunded.
To earn point vouchers:
- Do any rewardable activity; there are many things on the record sheets that you can do to keep your child healthy and happy. Some activities are more significant than others, but all are very important for your child’s development. Each level of activity will help your child to continue growing and learning.
- Credit yourself for any of the specific activities listed on the record sheets that are marked as "self reportedâ€. Just do the activity and check it off the record sheet. You may check off an activity only once in a reporting period.
- Mail in Your Live, Learn & Play! Cards. If there is a signature required, by a doctor or certified instructor, please have that person sign the card before you mail it in. You will need those required signatures to obtain Point Vouchers for that particular activity.
- Look at your checked activities at the end of each 6-month reporting period, and total up your point amount. Record that total point amount on the postage free, self-addressed Live, Learn & Play! postcard that matches the report period you have completed.
- Make sure you only mail in the self-addressed card when your child has completed that particular age level. For example, if your child is 6 months old use the 0-6 Months Old postcard. Include the following information on the postcard:
- Your child’s name
- Your child's address
- Your total points
- The date you are sending in the postcard
- All required signatures
- Mail the postcard to the Live, Learn & Play! office. After mailing your card in you will receive your Point Vouchers in the mail.
Call us at (734) 727-7307 if you have any questions, and we will be happy to assist you!