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Adopt a Road

Adopt-A-Road is a program coordinated by the Wayne County Division of Roads designed to keep the County's roadsides clean and attractive.

Participants "adopt" a section of County roadside they would like to see kept clean. It may be near their home or business or just their favorite stretch of roadside in Wayne County. Participants are asked to adopt at least one mile and clean both sides of the roadway periodically over a three year or more period.

Who is eligible?
Just about any group of at least six people and three backup participants. It's a great opportunity for all types of organizations, including scout troupes, college fraternities and sororities, youth groups, small and large businesses, churches, and service organizations. Group participants must be at least 16 years old.
What is required to participate?
Only your time and effort! Participants are asked to pick up litter a minimum of three times a year from the roadsides they've adopted. Some may wish to landscape with small trees and flowers. The goal of the program is to keep roadsides attractive for residents and visitors. Dates and times will be determined at a later date by Wayne County to coordinate the pickup of the trash you've collected.
Is there a fee?
No. All that is asked of participants is that they wear the High-Visibility Safety Apparel provided by Wayne County while they work. Vests will be provided at the first session and participants will keep them as long as they are active in Adopt-A-Road. Lost vests are the responsibility of each participant. Wearing gloves is recommended. Groups will also need to provide their own transportation to and from their adopted site. Wayne County will provide bags for litter and pick up service for filled bags. Bags can be picked up at your nearest Wayne County Roads Division yard.
How does my group benefit by participating?
Besides the pride you will feel for helping to keep your community clean and attractive, the name of your group will be publicized on Adopt-A-Road signs at your roadside site for travelers and residents to see.
How are roads assigned?
Requests for specific roadside areas will be handled on a first-come, first-serve basis between you and the Adopt-A-Road coordinator. All attempts will be made to match you with your first choice, or the next area nearest to your organization or business.
A note about safety
All Adopt-A-Road participants are required to conduct a safety meeting once a year before the first pick-up. Once final adoption arrangements are made for your group, Wayne County will provide guidelines, rules and answers to your questions.
How do we sign up?

Please call 1-888-ROAD-CREW (1-888-762-3273) to request an Adopt-A-Road application form and return to:

Wayne County Division of Roads
Adopt-A-Road Program
Central Maintenance Yard
29900 Goddard Road
Detroit, MI 48242

Please allow about four weeks to receive notice from your local Wayne County Roads office about your adopted area, safety materials and specific pickup times and dates.