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Water Quality Management
Mission Statement
The mission of the Water Quality Management Division is to provide engineering support, water resources, and watershed management services to local and regional municipalities, Wayne County departments, and residents so they can achieve timely and cost-effective compliance with water quality regulations, and enjoy water resources that are safe for drinking and recreation. The Water Quality Management Division (WQMD) is recognized locally, nationally, and internationally as a model for watershed management and environmental protection.
News and Announcements
The Friends of the Rouge Earth Day Event: Rain Gardens 101
Solve water problems in your yard and help birds, bees, and butterflies with a rain garden! Get oriented and get going through the free livestream lunch & learn on Earth Day: Thursday, April 22 at Noon. Door prizes include one of 15 rain barrels, and a free RainSmart consultation!
Please click here to RSVP for this Earth Day event.
Wayne County Stormwater Ordinance Update
The Wayne County Stormwater Summit took place on November 19, 2019. Please click here to down load the slide presentation from the summit.
The Alliance of Rouge Communities (ARC) is offering a septic system maintenance webinar on Monday, November 4, 2019 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. You can access the webinar from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Please click here to download the webinar flyer that includes the links to download the Go To Meeting App and to the webinar.
Alliance of Downriver Watersheds Photo Contest
It's time for August's Focus on Downriver Water Photo Contest hosted by the Alliance of Downriver Watersheds. Win a $50 garden supply gift certificate and a paddle trip for two from H2E River Adventures. Snap a photo of a STREAM, POND, RIVER or OTHER WATERWAY and upload it by clicking here.

Use Brine Instead of Rock Salt to Protect Water Quality
Brine, a mixture of salt and water, is a great alternative to traditional rock salt for dealing with ice in the winter. By using brine instead of rock salt, you can reduce the amount of salt used and help to protect our rivers.
Dispose of Fats, Oils, and Grease Properly
Excessive fats, oils and grease (FOG) washed from sink drains in businesses and homes can block sewer pipes and lead to backups of sewage into buildings and overflows of sewage to rivers, lakes and streams.
SEMCOG Launches New Public Education Campaign
The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) has updated and refreshed its successful water quality protection campaign Our Water. Our Future. Ours to Protect. Seven Simple Steps to Clean Water. The update includes new topics and tips the public can use to protect water quality in Southeast Michigan.
Healthy Lawn Care for Watershed Protection
Michigan Green Industry Association (MGIA) endorsed landscaping companies.
Want to learn how to "rainscape" your property?
Rain gardens, rain barrels, permeable pavement and more.