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Veterans Programs

Honorably discharged, wartime veterans and their families are assisted by Wayne County Soldiers & Sailors Relief and CVSF Grant Funds. The need of each case is evaluated and the extent of aid to be granted is determined. This division interviews and counsels applicants and interacts with other human service, federal, state, county and city agencies. They also coordinate services with privately funded agencies to bring relief to the client.
Veterans Services BrochureVeteran Financial Hardship Services
The purpose of the Veteran Financial Hardship Services Program is to provide temporary emergency financial assistance to Wayne County honorably discharged indigent wartime veterans, their spouses, and dependant children so they can meet their immediate needs.Veteran Support Services
The purpose of the Veteran Support Services Program is to provide Veterans Administration compensation/disability applications services to Wayne County eligible veterans and their families will apply for assistance so they can receive additional benefits and secure employment.Veteran Funeral Expense Assistance
Wayne County Veteran Services Division provides assistance with funeral expenses. The veteran must have received an Honorable Discharge from the United States Armed Forces, with at least 90 days of recognized war time service. Spouses of veterans are not eligible for government marker. The county of Wayne will provide up to $1000.00 toward burial benefits and $50.00 toward the cost of installing a Government Marker.