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Wayne County Extreme Heat Tips

Cooling Centers are Available throughout Wayne County Open to Provide Relief
With temperatures expected to reach a heat index of 110 degrees tomorrow, Wayne County Health, Veterans and Community Wellness (HVCW) encourages individuals to keep cool this weekend.
"When temperatures rise above 90 degrees, everyone is at risk, but the elderly and the very young are most susceptible to heat and heat-related illness," said Dr. Ruta Sharangpani, HVCW Medical Director.
Signs of heat-related illness include headache, dizziness, nausea, heavy sweating, confusion and pale or flushed skin. The American Red Cross recommends the following treatment for persons with heat-related illness:
· Move the victim to a cool place.
· Give cool water to drink.
· Apply ice packs or cool wet cloths to the skin.
· If a victim refuses water, vomits, or loses consciousness, call 9-1-1 immediately.
Preventing Heat-Related Illness
· Stay indoors if possible. If your home does not have air conditioning, go to a public place with air conditioning such as a designated cooling center. If outside, stay in the shade.
· Drink water. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which dehydrate the body.
· Wear loose fitting, lightweight, light-colored clothing that reflects away the heat.
· Protect yourself from the sun by wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses.
· Never leave a person, especially children or the elderly or a pet in a closed, parked vehicle. The temperature inside the car can increase to 30-40 degrees hotter than the outside temperature.
· Slow down and avoid strenuous activity. If you must work outside, take frequent breaks.
· Visit persons at risk twice daily and watch them for signs of heat illness.
· Ask your doctor about any medications that may affect your body's ability to regulate temperature.
· Do not use salt tablets unless directed to do so by a physician.
Please visit here for a list of our cooling centers: