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Senior Services
Wayne County Senior Services provides congregate, home-delivered, and liquid meals to eligible senior citizens age 60 and older in the 34 communities in western Wayne County and in the downriver areas.

Congregate Meals
Congregate Meals are available to senior citizens age 60 years or older and their spouses, and to physically handicapped persons residing in any senior high-rise where a nutrition site is located.

Home-Delivered Meals
Senior citizens aged 60 years and older who are confined to their homes, may receive hot meals delivered Monday through Friday.

Liquid Meals
Liquid Nutrition Program is available to senior citizens age 60 or older, who are unable to ingest solid food.

Information and Referral
The resource files provide current information on services available to Wayne County senior residents. Telephone referrals area also made to agencies, which may assist with immediate needs.

Volunteer Opportunities
The Senior Nutrition Program relies heavily on volunteers to assist with serving, packaging, and delivering meals.

The programs listed above are funded by federal and state funds through the Michigan Office of Services to the Aging and The Senior Alliance, as mandated by the Older Americans' Act, Older Michigan's Act, and is in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Your donations will help us to continue our work in serving the Senior comm
Wayne County Warming Centers
Inclement Weather PolicyWayne County Senior Services
(734) 326-5202 -or- (800) 851-1454
Wayne County Senior Services
3600 Commerce Court, Bldg E
Wayne, Michigan 48184