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May is Senior Nutrition Awareness Month in Wayne County

The month of May was officially recognized as Senior Nutrition Awareness Month by the Wayne County Board of Commissioners, encouraging individuals as well as county businesses, service clubs and other organizations to participate in the Motor City Wheels for Meals campaign drawing attention to the serious issue of food insecurity affecting senior citizens. Senior Services works with the Detroit Area Agency on Aging and the Senior Alliance to operate Meals on Wheels which distributes 6,000 meals per day (on weekdays) to seniors throughout Wayne County.
Kevin Kelly (far right) and Joan Siavrakas on the left in red blouse), who direct Wayne County's Senior Services department, were on hand to accept the resolution together with Tamera Kiger (to the left of Kevin Kelly), Executive Director of the Senior Alliance, Paul Bridgewater (center), President and CEO of the Detroit Area Agency on Aging (DAAA), and DAAA Chief Operating Officer Faiz Esshaki (far left).