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Wayne County Executive Warren C. Evans responds to transit press conference in Shelby Township

MAY 22, 2018
"Clearly, many residents in Oakland and Macomb are expressing their feelings in favor of more transit options, and that's a good thing. I'm pleased to hear the conversation around transit continue to grow, but we need to have a candid conversation. We spend $67 per capita on transit, and that's not going to get it done by any stretch of the imagination, particularly with opt-outs. Today, included many of the compelling arguments for transit absent any of the realities of what is achievable under the current set-up. Relying solely on incremental steps to meet our citizens' need for more transit options will hold us back and lead to continued missed opportunities like Amazon HQ2 and Foxconn. I support the SMART millage because less transit would devastate the region. I support RTA because it is the best path to a true regional system with all the benefits transit can provide."
-- Wayne County Executive Warren C. Evans