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Detroit Residents can apply for the HOPE Program today

HOPE stands for Homeowners Property Exemption. It is also referred to as the Poverty Tax Exemption, "PTE" or Hardship Program. HOPE provides an opportunity for homeowners to be exempt from their current year property taxes based on household income or circumstances. If approved, you will still be responsible for any fees such as the solid waste fee. The solid waste fee is discounted at to $120 for HOPE approved homeowners.
Eligibility for HOPE is based on whether you own and occupy your home as your primary residence and your household income or circumstances. Please review the income levels listed in the link below. Most homeowners whose income is below the guidelines are generally approved. Only the Board of Review may approve an application.
The HOPE application is an annual application, homeowners must apply every year. Please click the link below for more information:
HOPE Information