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Third Annual Veteran's Resource Fair

On Thursday, November 21, 2019, the Wayne County Treasurer's Office hosted the Third Annual Veteran's Resource Fair. The event honored veterans and provided an opportunity to share information and resources. There were several agencies available that provided services to veterans, such as employment, medical assistance, financial assistance, tax assistance, and more. Representatives from Veterans Affairs, VA Hospital, Wayne County Veterans Affairs, and others were available. The event was also an opportunity to network with guests and vendors. Lunch was provided for over 400 people attending the event.
The presentation began with a presentation of the color guard by Hamilton H. Robinchaud JROTC. The presentation provided an overview of veteran's services. Tyrone Chatman, Chief Executive Officer of the Michigan Veteran's Foundation, was the master of ceremonies. Sergeant Major Ronald L. Green of the Marine Corps was the keynote speaker of this year's event. Some of the other speakers included Wayne County Treasurer Eric Sabree, Wayne County Department of Health, Human and Veteran's Services Kwesi Betserai, Dearborn Heights councilman Bill Bazzi and 19th District Court chief Judge Gene Hunt.