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Treasurer Sabree will be a guest speaker on Senator Betty Jean Alexander's Tax Foreclosure Town Hall

Treasurer Sabree will be a guest speaker for Senator Betty Jean Alexander's Tax Foreclosure Town Hall. The event will take place on April 8 , 2020 at 6:00 PM.
Co-hosts: Redford Township Treasurer Lily Cavanagh
Garden City Treasurer Brian Marciniak
Dearborn Heights Treasurer Lisa Hicks-Clayton
Inkster Treasurer Vijay Virupanavar (VI rup ana var)- absent due to Inkster budget
Featured Guest Presenter: Wayne County Treasurer Eric Sabree
Wrap Around services: Dearborn Heights Salvation Army(serves Redford,Garden City, Dearborn,
Dearborn Heights and part of Livonia)
Zoom information:
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Please join via Zoom by 5:45 p.m.
Start time: 6:00 p.m.
6:00-6:05 p.m. Senator Alexander- opening remarks
6:05-6:07 p.m. Senator Alexander introduces cohost and guest speaker
6:07-6:45 p.m. Wayne County Treasurer Eric Sabree-presentation (PowerPoint)
6:45-6:48 p.m. Senator Alexander- thanks E. Sabree and introduces wrap around Presenters (Salvation Army and Wayne Metro)
6:48-6:55 p.m. Salvation Army- Colleen Dahl (share resources and contact Information)
6:55- 7:02 p.m. Wayne Metro (share resources and contact information)
7:02-7:05 p.m. Senator Alexander thanks Salvation Army and Wayne Metro. Introduces local (municipal) Treasurers- our partners
7:05-7:10 p.m. In order: L. Cavanagh, B. Marciniak and L. Hicks-Clayton. Brief introduction and share your contact information
7:10-7:25 p.m. Questions- audience from chat feature- Sam will review and send Senator Alexander to read-
7:25-7:30 p.m. Senator Alexander thanks everyone for joining, shares her office Contact and says good night!
End time: 7:30 p.m.
6:00-6:05 p.m. Senator Alexander- opening remarks
6:05-6:07 p.m. Senator Alexander introduces cohost and guest speaker
6:07-6:45 p.m. Wayne County Treasurer Eric Sabree-presentation (PowerPoint)
6:45-6:48 p.m. Senator Alexander- thanks E. Sabree and introduces wrap around Presenters (Salvation Army and Wayne Metro)
6:48-6:55 p.m. Salvation Army- Colleen Dahl (share resources and contact Information)
6:55- 7:02 p.m. Wayne Metro (share resources and contact information)
7:02-7:05 p.m. Senator Alexander thanks Salvation Army and Wayne Metro. Introduces local (municipal) Treasurers- our partners
7:05-7:10 p.m. In order: L. Cavanagh, B. Marciniak and L. Hicks-Clayton. Brief introduction and share your contact information
7:10-7:25 p.m. Questions- audience from chat feature- Sam will review and send Senator Alexander to read-
7:25-7:30 p.m. Senator Alexander thanks everyone for joining, shares her office Contact and says good night!
End time: 7:30 p.m.