Homeland Security & Emergency Management

To take the lead role in coordinating the County's responsibility to plan, analyze, conduct and maintain programs to preserve and protect lives and property from major emergencies and disasters of all types. In this capacity, it maintains a current emergency management program for the County of Wayne and all participating local municipalities.
Promulgate and enforce division policy and procedures; approve, reject or revise section recommendations; supervise overall division activities; represent the division as necessary; authorize the use of resources;
General Services Section
Perform clerical work for the division; prepare departmental payrolls; maintain personnel, inventory, chemical facility and accounting records; requisition supplies and equipment; answer telephones and staff reception desks.
Resources Section
Manage all facilities, personnel, equipment, supplies and materials necessary for normal activities; prepare, provide and coordinate emergency personnel training programs; develop and maintain mutual aid and resource availability agreements; prepare and manage financial assistance grants.
Operations Section
Develop, maintain, analyze and implement emergency plans and procedures; develop and coordinate simulated emergency test exercises; perform and coordinate public awareness programs and campaigns; operate and supervise the operation of communications and warning systems
- Update and maintain the Emergency Operations Plan and all related support documents.
- Conduct public awareness activities designed to increase basic emergency preparedness skills and develop public confidence in the County's Emergency Management Program.
- Conduct disaster response training drills and exercises designed to highlight and correct emergency planning and resource deficiencies and to otherwise maintain and improve the overall emergency response readiness level of the County and participating local communities.
Did You Know?
- That since 1997 there have been six Presidential and seven Governor major disaster declarations for the Wayne County area, one of each in 1997, 1998, and 1999.
- That since 1950 there have been 857 tornadoes in the State of Michigan, 27 of which have occurred in Wayne County.
- That every year there are approximately 7 fires per 1000 Wayne County residents.